Training Manual For Induction Training Courses Of Forests Officers At Chandrapur Forest Academy Of Admistration, Developement And Management Chandrapur.

Every forest officer trainee at the Chandrapur Forest Academy of Administration, Development, and Management is required to keep a copy of this manual with themselves at all times. Forest education and training at the professional level demands the highest standards of sincerity and discipline. The trainees who have graduated from this prestigious academy have made significant contributions to the Forest Department, consistently demonstrating excellence in their roles. The Forest Service in Maharashtra has a long and distinguished tradition, built on the dedication, energy, and unwavering efforts of all its members, particularly those in the cadres of Forest Range Officer, Forester, Forest Guard. and other vital positions. These efforts have earned them respect and admiration within society.
The role of a Forester, regardless of rank, is crucial to the well-being of Mother Earth, with a special focus on India and Maharashtra. Every trainee should take immense pride in being a part of the Forest Department. Each trainee is expected to uphold the esteemed traditions of the Chandrapur Forest Academy and follow in the footsteps of their predecessors in advancing the cause of forestry and environmental conservation. This training manual is prepared and applicable for the forest officers trainees of cadre foresters and forest guards undergoing the 6 month long induction training course and to range forest officers undergoing 18 month long induction training course at Chandrapur forest academy..
Each Trainee From Fhe Chandrapur Forest Academy is Required To Develop The Following Qualities.
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. An honest and straightforward trainee is one who means what they say and acts accordingly.
The practice of training oneself to obey rules and orders, with consequences for noncompliance. This involves living in accordance with rules or submitting to control. Trainees are required to adhere to a strict code of conduct in all aspects, including work, dress, play, and eating habits. Although these restrictions may seem irksome at times, trainees should discipline their minds to accept and follow instructions from seniors unquestioningly and cheerfully. Once an order is given, it must be obeyed immediately.
The strength to handle difficult conditions or situations successfully Toughness is more about willpower than physical strength. Trainees should cultivate pride in being tougher than others, mentally and physically.
Being smart means being intelligent, sharp, vigorous, brisk, well-dressed, and alert in all areas of life. Trainees should be able to impress others with their smart appearance. Attention should be paid to grooming, attire, and overall presentation. Shoes and boots must always be polished. Trainees should avoid the use of perfumes, heavily scented oils, or aggressive cosmetics. The use of paan, tobacco, smoking, or alcohol is strictly prohibited.
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. An honest and straightforward trainee is one who means what they say and acts accordingly.
6. Resourcefulness:
The ability to use available resources and circumstances ingeniously to successfully and efficiently complete tasks. This quality is invaluable for a Forest officer, who often has to improvise ways to accomplish tasks due to limited resources.
Having a firm belief in what one says, does, and feels, Confidence stems from thorough knowledge of subject matters and awareness of the environment.
A steadfast belief in taking action and demonstrating bravery in challenging situations.
9.Communication Skills
The ability to speak and listen with clarity to ensure accurate and efficient information exchange.
1. Ceremonial Occasions:
Khaki uniform consisting of Khaki shirt with two metal badges on the shoulder flaps, khaki
trousers, brown leather belt, blue beret (with monogram), lanyard, name plate, khaki socks,
and brown leather shoes. In winter, khaki woollen jerseys may be worn.
2. During Working Hours at Headquarters:
o Khaki uniform consisting of a khaki shirt with two metal badges on the shoulder flaps,
khaki trousers, brown leather belt, khaki socks, and brown leather shoes. Khaki woollen
jerseys are permitted in winter.
3. Field Dress for Tours or Excursions:
o The same uniform as prescribed for headquarters with the following modifications: hunter
shoes instead of leather shoes, beret or official cap, haversacks, billhook, and water bottles,
which must be carried by all trainees.
4. In the Mess:
For Breakfast and Lunch: Khaki uniform except on Sunday and holidays, when the
prescribed mufti may be worn.
o For tea: Sports dress, khaki uniform, or mufti as appropriate,
o For dinner and All Formal Evening Occasion:
(a) At headquarters White shirt with grey trousers. Academy necktie, socks and Black
(b) On Tours-Appropriate Academy uniform or mufti.
Note: -
(1) The trainee shall not enter dining hall in chappals, sandals, pyjamas, dhoti, short pants or lungi.
(2) Mufti means white shirt, grey trousers, Academy necktie with socks and Black shoes.
5. For Physical Training:o White T-shirt, white shorts, white socks, and white canvas shoes. For female. o trainees: white track pants instead of shorts.
6. On Sports Grounds:
o White T-shirts, white shorts, white socks, and white tennis shoes. Appropriate attire for
different games should be worn as prescribed. Female trainees should
o wear white T-shirts and white track pants, white socks, and white tennis shoes.
7. For Drill:
Khaki shirt with shoulder badges, khaki trousers with brown leather belt, beret.
o cap, khaki socks, and brown leather shoes.
Key Points to Remember When Dressing:
• The dress should always be clean, proper, and smart.
• Buckles and buttons should always be intact, and shirts should be tucked in. Shoes and
belts should be polished daily and kept in good repair.
• While on field visits, trainees should carry a haversack, water bottle, billhooks, field
notebook, and pen. Billhooks should never be carried in the haversack.
Dining Hours:
Dinner should be completed before 9:00 PM. The dining hall will be open for food service between 8:00 PM and 9:00 PM. On Sundays, the closing time is extended by an hour.
Study Hours:
Compulsory study hours are from 9:00 PM to 10:30 PM. During these hours, every trainee is expected to be in their room, attending to their daily studies and homework.Â
The library is available on all working days from 10AM to 11 PM. On Saturday, Sundays and public holidays, the library is available from 9 am to 5 pm.
During the training period, the right to avail leave is generally suspended. No leave, other than sick leave, is normally allowed. Sick leave must be taken under the supervision of the Academy's Medical Officer.
Leave is not granted as a rule but only in exceptional cases, such as:
1. Bereavement of close blood relatives (parents, siblings, spouse, and children).
2. Personal illness leading to hospitalization, which should be availed in the hostel only after discharge from the hospital.
3. To attend court duties,
No trainee shall proceed on leave without written permission from the course director/director while at the Academy and from the Instructor in charge of the class while on tour. If a trainee is unable to attend class or participate in any outdoor work due to health reasons, they must produce a Medical Certificate from the Academy Medical Officer, or if on tour, from the nearest prescribed Medical Officer.
No trainee whose attendance at lectures, practical work, and tours falls below 95% will be permitted to appear for the final examination. However, trainees showing sufficient progress in their studies may be permitted to appear as a special case, by the Director, Chandrapur Forest Academy.
If a trainee remains absent without permission for more than seven days, they will be required to repeat the training at their own expense, in addition to facing fines and other disciplinary actions is determined by the Department.
Frequent sickness may render a trainee physically unfit to continue training, leading to their discharge from the Chandrapur Forest Academy.
Rigorous physical training is compulsory. The current daily period for physical training is fixed at two and a half hours (one hour morning PT and 90 minutes games/sports in evening). but this may be adjusted based on the physical development required for the profession. Running exercises are the most important part of physical training.
One objective of the training is to develop endurance and restraint while facing harsh situations that may be encountered in the field.
Trainees are subjected to tough treatments, which should be viewed positively as opportunities to build endurance and restraint during the training period itself, so that they are prepared to handle such situations in their service, whether alone or in a small group
A marathon race of 10 km is conducted at the beginning, middle, and end of the training period to assess the enhanced endurance capacity that the trainee has acquired at the end of each tom.
Games are compulsory and designed to help trainees relieve stress. Every trainee is expected to choose a game of their choice and acquire expertise in at least one game, such as cricket, volleyball, throwball, tennis, badminton shuttle.
Physical training in morning and games in the evening are compulsory, both at headquarters and on tours (wherever possible). Matches and competitions will be organized as and when possible, to enable trainees to improve their performance.
The behaviour of trainees should reflect the qualities expected of an Officer. Trainees should develop Officer Like Qualities (OLQ) from the beginning of their training and continue to improve them thereafter. Below are general tips on behaviour:
1. How to Stand, Walk, and Talk:
When talking to a senior or superior, always address them as Sir/Madam and stand erect in the attention position. Trainees may stand at ease when permitted by the senior but should avoid unnecessary gestures with their arms, head, or body. While walking, trainees should remain erect, alert, and smart. When walking in pairs or groups, trainees should walk in step.
Outside the Academy, trainees should behave with dignity and courtesy to all. They should avoid entering crowded shopping areas and ensure they do not cause inconvenience to others on the road. They should also refrain from any indecent behaviour or illegal activities that are unbecoming of a responsible government servant.
2. How to Wish:
When in Uniform:
1. With headwear: Salute.
2. Without headwear: Stand erect, come to attention, ise heels, and say "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sir/Madam," as appropriate. Do not say "Good Night" when meeting anyone, even if it is late at night. "Good night" is only wished at the time of final departure during the evening or night. "Good day" is wished at the time of departure during the daytime.
When Not in Uniform: Stand erect, come to attention, raise heels, and say "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sir/Madam," as appropriate.
When Riding a Cycle: Do not salute or get down from the cycle; look towards the officer, straighten your arms, wish them, and continue on your way
Every week, the course director will nominate one trainee to act as a 'Duty Officer for a weck, from Monday to the following Sunday. Normally, each traince will act as Duty Officer/Orderly Officer by rotation.
Duties of the Duty Officer/Orderly Officer:
At Headquarters:
1. The duty officer is responsible for the overall discipline of the trainees on campus.
2. To serve as a means of communication between the class and the Officers Office staff.
3. To ensure sanitary conditions and general cleanliness of the hostels (including latrines, bathrooms, and kitchens).
4. To check and prevent or report any wastage of electricity or water in the hostels
5. To promptly report any incidents in the hostel, especially regarding the illness of trainces, to the authorities.
6. To take roll-call of trainees immediately after dinner every day and present the night attendance register to the House Tutor the following morning, bringing sny regularities or acts of indiscipline to their notice.
7. To present the attendance register to the instructor at the beginning of each lecture and to the officer on duty for Physical Training.
8. To ensure all lights, faris, etc., are turned off before the trainees vacate the class
9. To call on the House Tutor once daily in the office to obtain instructions.
10. Every traince who has been granted written permission by the House Tutor or the concerned instructor must hand over the written persion to the Orderly Officer and finally obtain the Orderly Officer's permissile before leaving the hostel or camp, and must sign the movement register maintained by the Onderly Officer
On Tour:
1. The duty officer is responsible for the overall discipline of the trainees on tour.
2. Proper layout and alignment of tents in campsites and general tidiness, especially in latrine and kitchen areas.
3. Supervision of loading, unloading, and handling of all luggage with proper care (of trainees and government property).
4. Taking roll sall and ensuring all trainees are present.
5. Collection and distribution of "Tapal (post) for trainees.
6. Reporting cases of irregularities on the part of the trainees to the Officer-in- Charge daily and receiving necessary instructions.
7. The duty officer will typically be the last person to leave the camp on days of movement.
8. Inefficiency in the performance of duty as an Orderly Officer will be considered during the final assessment of each trainee.
9. Other trainees are expected to follow the orders of the Duty Officer/Orderly Officer in the same manner as those of instructors.
Instilling a sense of discipline, obedience, and respect for senior officers is given the highest importance in the training process. At the start of the training, 100 marks are allocated for conduct and discipline. Any misbehaviour or indiscipline reported will be taken seriously, and conduct marks will be deducted proportionately each time.
Any traince who fails to retain at least 40% of conduct marks in matters of discipline will be awarded a lower certificate and placed at the bottom of the ranking, regardless of their performance in academics, fieldwork, and athletics
The training's primary objective is to produce highly disciplined professionals. Therefore, trainees should demonstrate a willingness to groom themselves as disciplined and obedient officials of the department.
The trainers at the Academy will make every effort to provide quality training to the trainees. They will also make every effort to correct trainees by giving proper instructions, advice, punishments, and ultimately deducting conduct marks.
Any trainee found indulging in trade union activities or strikes will be treated as committing an offense against the State, and all legal measures will be taken, including their removal from the Academy.
Key Restrictions and Punishments:
i. Punctuality:
High punctuality is expected in attending all mandatory events,
Delay in attendance to PT/classes by up to 5 minutes: Running 600 meters with hands held upwards.
Delay in attendance to PT/classes by 5 to 10 minutes: Running 600 meters with hands held upwards and a deduction of 5 conduct marks.
Disobedience to the physical instructor or classroom instructor: Censure and a
deduction of 10 conduct marks.
ii. Decency:
Decency in demeanour and behaviour is a must,
Indecent behaviour on the ground, tour, or in class: Censure and a deduction of 10 conduct marks.
Failure to complete assigned work, physical or academic: Censure and a deduction of 5 conduct marks for every instance, in addition to being given extra work to complete
Alcoholic Drinks/Narcotic and Banned Substances:
This is considered a serious form of indiscipline. No alcoholic drinks, narcotics, or banned substances are allowed to be consumed in the mess, hostel, or anywhere on campus. Alcoholic drinks, narcotic, and banned substances are also not allowed during leid visits, in the forests, camps, marketplaces, bars, or restaurants,
Anyone found in a drunken state, inebriated condition, or under the influence of drugs will be dismissed immediately from the training and dealt with according to applicable disciplinary proceedings.
iv. Religious Symbolism
Every trainee has the right to practice their religion, however, any apparent display of religious symbolism, religious propaganda, or group activities based on religion is not allowed
Anyone who breaks this rule will be dismissed immediately from the training Academy and dealt with according to applicable disciplinary proceedings.
v. Association Activities
Association activities are not allowed during the training period.
vi. Use of Cell Phones:
Trainees are prohibited from carrying mobile phones to classrooms, lecture halls, training grounds and other designated activity areas during their scheduled training hours. Scheduled training hours include the breaks in between the sessions but excludes the designated lunch break
Mobile phones can only be used during the designated lunch break and in many dormitories bostels outside of scheduled training hours.
Unauthorized use of mobile phones during training hours will be considered
an act of indiscipline. Consequence of such violations may include warmings, confiscation of phones for temporary period, or stricter disciplinary action as deemed necessary
In case of emergencies, trainees can access their phones under permission of the Course Director
The use of any electronic entertainment instrument is banned, and if anyone is found using one, they will face a deduction of 10 conduct marks,
vii. Shabby Turnout.
A shabby appearance is also considered a serious lapse on the part of the trains and will rendi in a warning and a deduction in conduct marks Disciplinary Actions: Failure to comply with the above unders will render
ox. trainees feasible to appropriate harsh spreadsheets as per the provisions in Civil Services Rules, in audience to physical punishments approved by the authorities This list of regulations should not be considered final. The Academy reserves the right
to introduce additional regulations if sume and circumstances warrant.
There is an approved syllabus for the trainees, and they will be provided with opportunities to lesin the prescribed subjects. Passing every subject is a must, as it is compulsory for eligibility for the next promotion.
For Forest Range Officers, the matters related to the passing marks in the examination, minimum attendance requirement for appearing in the examination, re-examination etc will be governed by the Rules/guidelines of MoEF&CC and Diecctorate of Forest Education, Dehradun.
For Forest Guards and Foresters undergoing their induction training following regulations will be applicable
1. Trainees should obtain at least 50% in each subject and in the practical examination A traince who fails to secure the required percentage will be given one more attempt to pass the subject at their own cost. However, the marks obtained will not be counted soward overall seniority.
2. Examinations in First Aid, Weapon Training. Computer Applications, and Wirelesa Communication will be conducted during teaching time and are only qualifying in nature. The marks are not to be added, but the performance will be comidered when assessing the trainer's overall assessment.
3. A tour examination will be conducted immediately after the completion of the tour
4. If a trainee fails in more than three subjects in the training examination, they will be given one more chance to clear the failed subjects. If they are unable to complete the examinations on the second attempt, they will be discharged from service, with the cost of training and salary recovered as per the Indemnity Bond
5. A re-examination may be held if a trainee is absent for the examination, with prior permission of the Director, Chandrapur Forest Academy, as provided in the Rules, in the following cases. The marks obtained in the re-examinave will count toward the final order of merit
Bereavement of a close relation such as parents, brushers, sirs, spome, or children
Personal sickness leading to hospitalization or due to severe anary rendering the trainee mahle to prove o
Te attend Court duty of duty in the interest of the Government
No trainee whose attendance at the Academy or during the Tour falls below 95% will be permitted to take any examination and will have to repeat the entire course at their own cost, subject to availability of a slot in the next batch and subject to the permission of the Director. If a trainee misses more than 10% of the Tour, they will have to repeat the entire tour at their own expense during the next batch of training.
For Forest Range Officers, provisions as mandated by Rules, Guidelines of Directorate of Forest Education, Dehradun will be applicable.
For Forest Guards and Foresters undergoing their induction training following regulations will be applicable:
1. Based on the marks obtained during the course, one of the following certificates may be awarded:
Honours: 75% and above of the total number of marks.
• Higher Standard: Below 75% and above 60% of the total number of marks.
2. Pass Certificate: Below 60% and above 50% of the total number of marks. Upon successful completion of the training course, the candidate shall complete the remaining period of probation. If the candidate fails to satisfactorily complete the probationary period, they will be discharged from service, with the training cost and salary recovered as per the Indemnity Bond.
3. If any trainee fails in the final examination, they will be considered unsuccessful in completing the training, which may lead to their removal from service by the appointing authority as provided in the bond agreement. The trainee may be permitted to undergo the entire course again, provided either the trainee or the appointing authority desires so, and the trainee is to be repeated. prepared to pay the full expense of the
Trainees are advised to strictly abide by the above Rules & Regulations and to complete the training successfully in all respects.