Library Resources (As on 31st November 2024)

Resource Type Details Quantity
Books General Books (Reference, Textbooks, Reports) 5561
In this Marathi Language, there are Reference Books, Textbooks and Report 1895
Journals / Magazines - 52
Library Timings

Library Timings

Day Opening Time Closing Time
Monday to Friday 10:00 AM 10:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Trainees can issue books and keep them for 15 days and again if they want to keep them further, they must renew it.

  • Faculties can issue it for 1 month.

    Reference Services and General Assistance

    Readers may approach the Reference Desk for information or any assistance pertaining to the library collection and services. They may contact the readers services section for computerized services. They are requested to visit the library homepage to access on-line information. For any other specialized queries, they may access the Librarian. The library maintains a separate reference collection consisting of encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, technical data, almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, etc.
